I3P Startup Academy

Edition 2025 in progress

I3P Startup Academy

Where does one start to turn an idea into a successful business? What steps must be followed to found an innovative start-up? How do you assemble a team with which to take on the challenge of a technology-based business project? These and many other questions are answered by experts from I3P, the Incubator of Politecnico di Torino, during the annual editions of I3P Startup Academy, the free training course for aspiring innovative entrepreneurs.

Created in 2023 and held to date in two editions, with a third one scheduled for 2025, the Academy is funded and implemented as part of the activities of the NODES Ecosystem and its Spoke 1, dedicated to Aerospace and Sustainable Mobility, in which the I3P incubator is a partner.

The offer of the path

The goal of the course is to support aspiring startuppers at their earliest stage, helping them to give concrete form to an innovative idea, find other members with whom to compose a team with complementary skills, and begin the customer discovery process, with insights into techniques for validating the entrepreneurial project and examining the market to which it might appeal.

The course is divided into several lessons and follows an interactive mode: each lesson is based on theoretical preparation pills, business games and moments of open discussion with I3P tutors, external mentors and already active start-ups, particularly in the aerospace and sustainable mobility sectors supported by Spoke 1 of the NODES Ecosystem. The initiative aims to bring to life a dynamic and exciting atmosphere that fosters participants' interaction, learning the basic concepts of the lean start-up approach, and getting to meet new possible co-founders for the innovative companies of tomorrow.

Requirements and perspectives

The I3P Startup Academy course is aimed at people under the age of 35, domiciled in Piedmont (Italy) and already graduated.

One of the main purposes of the course is to bring together people with different skills, either to complement existing teams or to give rise to novel trainings. To succeed in this endeavor requires that participants genuinely want to engage in dialogue and discussion - as much with tutors and mentors as with each other - and are therefore willing to share their ideas and capabilities with other aspiring startuppers.

In addition, the Academy initiative aims to offer equal opportunities for meeting, training and consulting to all those who are interested in embarking on the path of creating a start-up, with a particular focus on female entrepreneurship and on supporting teams composed of female founders, in order to foster their rise in the world of innovation still marked by a preponderant male presence. Aspiring female entrepreneurs, I3P looks forward to meeting you and accompanying your innovative ideas to success!

The course is held in one edition per year: all news about it, including the schedule of classes and how to apply to participate, is posted on the incubator's communication channels, including the News section of the website, the weekly e-mail newsletter, and social media such as LinkedIn and Instagram.
